Elevate your yachting experience

Unrivaled luxury at sea level. A one-of-a-kind setting for sharing and enjoying the finer things in life while reclining in comfort on one of our platforms. Offering freedom from the limitations of the yacht, a fresh location ideal for sunbathing, seeking peace, or enjoying a beautiful sunset.
Bring the luxuries of the yacht even closer to the shore for an unique viewpoint on your yachting experience. You may choose exactly where you want to be and create perfect peace with the NautiBuoy Marine Platform streaming out the back of the yacht or anchored off the beach.
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Choose from a variety of sizes and configurations, perfect for guests to enjoy the extra room on the sea, an easy boarding ladder, a watersports station, or a spot to rest with your feet in the water.
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The platform can be inflated and launched in less than five minutes, offering immediate access to the water line and allowing crew members to work smarter not harder.
JETSKI & C-docks
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You can build your own jet-ski dock by connecting any two platforms in a T-shape. This prevents damage to transoms and jet skis while also making the transfer safer and easier for you and your guests.

A fantastic location for having fun in the water with friends and family. You and your guests can participate in a variety of sports and activities, conveniently switching from one to the other. It not only provides an excellent swim platform, but also a wonderful spot for sunbathing and resting. The NautiBuoy platform, with its non-skid soft surface and exceptionally solid ballast system, provides a safe area for water activities.
One of life's most pleasurable experiences is relaxing so close to the sea. You may improve your sunbathing and leisure experience by adding a layer of comfort and elegance to your platform.

available as triple step, long step or short step. Contact us for dimensions

Available in 2 sizes
1.5m long x 75cm upright (4'9" x 2'4")
2m long x 75cm upright (6'5" x 2'4")
The user-friendly 4-step ladder makes it safe and simple

Enhance your sunbathing and relaxation by adding that extra layer of comfort

Use the platform as a fantastic tool for carrying out all topside maintenance.